Our vision is to provide skilled resource person in the field of computer application and information technology to our society, so that our upcoming generation may translate our society at par to world level knowledge. Our specialized vision is to bring the youth of Chhattisgarh especially tribes on main track of modern knowledge to generate livelihood among them.
Our Mission
To fulfill above vision our mission is -
To produce skilled stakeholders to the society in the field of computer science and information technology with various forms of degree.
To generate a job oriented skilled society.
To make our society literate for computer science.
To provide solutions to all branches of knowledge by the help of information technology.
Goals and Objectives
To understand the application of Information technology behavior wich effect the life of huma biengs . This will done by the lab equipments of IT lab and using the properties of Information Technilogy.
Students will demonstrate the structure, area and updation of the technology this will also help to understand the Physical, Digital and Logical transformation.
Students will organize, evaluate , summarize ,and communicate experimental data and scientific concepts in both written and oral format.
Courses and Intake
1. DCA
3. BSCe IT
4. BCA
Lab Facilities
The department has one well -furnished lab with overhead Projector, Wi-Fi with Hi- Speed.
Other Activities
Departmental Cleaning activities, Welcome Party, Farewell Party, Yoga and Cultural Activity.