Vision and Mission


Attaining new heights in biotechnology research, shaping biotechnology into a premier precision tool of the future for creation of wealth and ensuring social justice – specially for the welfare of the poor.The field of biotechnology is going through a challenging and exciting period as a result of growing knowledge about the cell and how it functions at the molecular level, which has led to the development of solutions to prevent life-threatening diseases, meet the needs of the world's expanding population for food and energy, and address environmental issues that threaten our very existence. Biotechnology has emerged as a major force in both the industrial and academic spheres, improving the quality of human life


The department's mission is to give its students an education that combines a comprehensive academic study with intensive practical training in an environment that is dynamic and productive of research.


Generating the scientific and technical workforce required to achieving the national goal of trained Biotechnologists.

To give the Biotechnology education program the boost it needs to produce a skilled workforce.
To raise awareness of the socio-ethical concerns of biotechnology's potential.
To instill spirit of innovation and creativity in young minds with sound research aptitude.
To nurture confident individuals who are effective contributors towards growth of the nation.
Name of the Courses: -
B.Sc. -40 (CZBT, CBBT)

Lab Facilities: -

The Department has well-furnished lab with Overhead Projector, Laminar air flow, slides, Computer, Light microscope, BOD incubator, Dissecting Microscope, Oven, pH meter Blood grouping kit, Water bath, Centrifuge, Electrophoresis unit, Chromatography.

Other Activities: -

Students in the Biotechnology Department at our college are also active in science eco groups, NCC, NSS, and sports.